Network Connecting Devices

Anushka Praveen
3 min readFeb 21, 2021


Network connecting devices are major parts of computer network.Network Connecting Devices are physical devices that are required for communication and interaction between hardware on a computer network.We need different devices to build a computer network.Those devices depend on network.In this article I’m going to discuss some of network connecting devices.


An expensive, advanced tool used in the network layer. IP data packets can be analyzed. As the data travels through the network, the data packets are analyzed and routed through the router. Different types of local area networks are used to connect to each other, and local area networks are used to connect to a wider area network.
Maintains tables containing IP addresses of connected networks. These are called routing tables.


Several computers are connected to each other and used to communicate data. Used to create a local area network.Operate in physical layer in OSI.That amplifies the incoming waves and transmits them through all the ports. It is a cheaper device and as the number of computers increases the network traffic increases. Data communication speed drops.


HUB is a similar device used to connect several devices to form a network. It has the ability to analyze data frames from computers connected to a high-tech switch other than HUB and direct them to the relevant path according to MAC addresses. This switch is also called level 2 switch because it operates on the data link layer. The MAC addresses of the connected computers are tabulated and maintained with the relevant port number. These tables are called MAC address tables. There are also switches that can analyze IP data packets that are activated in the network layer. They are redirected to the respective computers according to the IP address in the data packet. Such switch level 3 switch. There is no increase in network traffic as there is no data transmission. A large number of computers are connected to each other and the location is used to build a network.


A wave is degraded during transmission through a medium. The repeater captures, amplifies, and transmits degraded waves. This is a networking tool that works on the physical layer. Some repeaters have the ability to remove noise from the incoming waves and restore it to its original state. Such networking devices are called re-generators. They operate within the physical layer.


Very similar to switch functionality. Ability to read and understand MAC addresses. Location is a simple device that connects several networks together. Stores and maintains MAC addresses of computers on connected networks.


It is a complex device that can operate even in layers above the network layer. Used to connect networks that use other technologies.Allows flow data between two networks and operating with different transmission protocols

